The WIUNION Project is an initiative by Carib Biz Network (CBN) centered on amplifying and drawing attention for the need to understand the presence and impact of Caribbean small business owners, freelancers, professionals etc. in the United States more. In partnership with Mel & N Media, we invite you to join us for a series of events, starting Caribbean American Heritage Month and the launch of Carib Biz Network's NYC Caribbean SBS (Small Business Survey) in Fall 2024.

What data is there? What do we actually know?

You can check the following digital spaces for some data. This data largely focuses on immigration status, island ethnicity, age and employment.

U.S. Census 2020

Migration Policy Institute


trillion USD

in federal funds over the next decade that communities of color could miss out on due to inaccurate counting


billion USD

in federal programs to be apportioned to the states based on population data

FACT: The U.S. Census of 2020 was the first time ever someone could identify their Caribbean island heritage.

FACT: The U.S. Census Bureau estimated 18.8 million omissions in the population count in 2020.

FACT: If we don’t know U.S. Caribbean metrics, it’s harder to advocate for correctly allocated federal and state funding, grants, business support etc.

Why is this data important? Why should I care?

This type of data is used to help assess and determine where to locate economic development projects and business expansion regarding which businesses are dependent on rich population data that only the census can provide. When communities are not accurately counted, they may lose critical funds needed to improve their quality of life along with their capacity to impact the formation and implementation of policies.

What can I do?

There are lots you can do do! For starters, come out on June 22nd to be a part of the display of Caribbean pride for our photo opp! (Details below!) Secondly, you can choose to participate and be a part of our pilot NYC survey launching Fall 2024 or be a project partner.

What exactly is happening on June 22nd?

On June 22nd, we’re pulling up to The Rum Bar BK (a project partner) for our official LAUNCH LIME! Check in at the registration desk and then participate in networking, happy hour drink specials and live music/DJ!

Who can participate in the photo day in September 2024?

We’re calling all U.S. Caribbean business professionals (doctors, lawyers, engineers, nurses, judges, political figures etc.), small business owners, investors, freelancers & leaders and members of organizations and non-profits who focus on Caribbean people/culture. You do not have to live in NYC!

Note: Caribbean heritage = you are an immigrant or you are first generation Caribbean American.

Is there a dress code or theme for the photo opp in September?

Yes there is! Registered attendees should wear chic attire and pull up in specific colors:

  • Yellow: The warmth, vivaciousness, passion and brilliance of our people

  • Green: The land we share in common

  • Blue: The Caribbean sea that unites us geographically.


If you’d like to be a partner of The WIUNION Project, reach out to us